Paul’s Example – A New Season of Growth
1 Thes. 3:1-5
In Paul’s separation and suffering, he continues to carry the burden of the young believers’ growth in the Lord. He takes action to encourage them as they deal with fears over his life. (Maybe they are wondering, “Will this happen to us?”)
Consider/Discuss: When our children see us struggle, are we taking action to strengthen and encourage them in their own faith? Have we prepared them in advance that we, as followers of Christ, will have to endure hardships, yet can trust the Lord’s will and purpose? Do we respond to our struggles in a way that builds and strengthens their faith?
What gave Paul comfort in his distress?
>Timothy’s good news of their faith and love, always thinking kindly of Paul, longing to see him, their faith.
What causes Paul to “really live”?
>“if you stand firm in the Lord”
What is Paul’s continued role in their lives, even while separated?
>night and day keep praying, longing to complete what is lacking in their faith
Consider/Discuss: Where do we look for comfort in our own distress? Do we see our children as God’s tool to strengthen us in our weaknesses? Do we see them as fellow believers? What causes us to “Really live”? What is our role in our children’s lives as they or we move on to new paths?
3:11-13 – A prayer for our children
Paul’s Example: Committed to Continued Education
4: 1 Paul’s instructions have been given. He now commands them to Excel Still More. Same instructions, Repeat Often. (as parents, we often feel discouraged when we need to repeat ourselves. Yet, we see here that it is the KEY to maturity in our children's lives.)
4:2-12 The Instructions Paul has given and repeats as to how they ought to walk and please God
>2 Commands given by the authority of Jesus.
>3 God’s will is their sanctification, which involves:
>v. 3 abstain from sexual immorality
>v. 4-5 know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor without lustful passion (Self-Control in all things)
>v. 6 no man transgresses and defrauds his brother in the matter (in immorality or passions)
>v. 9-10 love one another
>v. 11 lead a quiet life, attend to your business, work with your hands (be busy for the Lord!), take care of each other.
>v. 12 behave properly toward unbelievers
V. 7-8 Reminder! If anyone rejects these teachings and work of sanctification, they are rejecting God and His work in their life. They are not rejecting man efforts.
Consider/Discuss: If I am teaching God’s truth, in His love and grace, and my children reject that truth, they are not rejecting ME, they are rejecting the Lord. This should drive us to our knees. How do I deal with my child’s rejection of what I am teaching? (am I taking it personal or getting out of the way so the Lord can work?)
What are the areas of sanctification in my children’s life that I need to focus on training and instruction from Paul’s list of commands? Where should my greatest efforts be placed in the day to day discipleship of my children? (see list from verses 3-12) Will I need to repeat these instructions? (oh yeah! And in varying degrees. What they "get" at age 7 will need to be "gotten again" at age 12 at a new level.) Will they get it the first time? (nope, Do I?) Will I challenge myself to Excel Still More?
How will this training worked out among believers affect our influence to unbelievers? Where is the majority of time spent in the life of a young believer? (with whom should their training primarily take place?)
4:13-18 Paul continues to be a source of instruction
>answers their questions, encourages them to comfort one another with words of truth.
Consider/Discuss: As Paul reiterates the teaching he once gave, he is moving them in a direction to care for one another as he steps away as their “primary care-giver.” We can see his commitment to their faith and growth never stops, but it does take on different forms as he allows the believers to take more responsibility for their faith and each other. Our role, as parents, is to do the same. Commit to the faith and growth of our children. Instruct them in God’s truth, that they will grow in His sanctification. Repeat those instructions in various ways to encourage our children to continue to excel still more in the way of the Lord.
Assignment: Read 1 Thessalonians 5, Pray 1 Thes. 3:11-13 over your children daily.
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