The Hospitality of Home Church: A Woman's Perspective
by Shelley Howland
What a fantastic find I have in this little book. While the purpose of the author is to give practical advice to women on the details of hosting a home church meeting, I found that her insights and biblical truths shared pertain to all aspects of hospitality as well as preparing our hearts for the Lord's day, regardless of the location we choose to celebrate.
The title of this book, alone, was like a magnet to me. In effect, it said..."Hey! You have a unique purpose in this calling. You, as a woman and helper to your husband are vital to this ministry the Lord is setting before you." Speaking to this, Mrs. Howland writes;
"A man who decides to home church will tell his wife that church will be in their home every other week. 30 or more people may attend, they are going to break unleavened bread, eat a full meal together and worship. Now see, I think that's funny. Men, you're not getting it are you?
You see, a group of 20 or 30 people coming for dinner would normally be considered a large gathering or event. But when you home church this is potentially a regular occurance. When a husband tells this to his wife, she immediately begins to think about the details, it is just natural. We were designed as helpmeets and that is where our minds begin to go." (p.6-7)
In this book you will find practical helps that equip you to take on this privilege of hosting a home fellowship meeting with confidence. Such details as: Preparing for Sunday, Get the Family Involved, House Rules, The Meal, Seating, Pets, Children, Clean Up and How to Be a Guest. You'll also uncover deeper subjects such as: Spiritual Preparation, Regarding Romans 14, Women's Silence and Headcovering. Each of these chapters is graced with Mrs. Howland's experience, humor and wisdom. It is a quick read, but one that you'll want to return to again and again.
Allow me to share with you one of my favorite insights I gleand from this book. It regards the concept of hospitality in general and how the practice of it reflects the heart. She writes,
"Let's take a look at the difference between hospitality and entertaining. Webster's says that hospitality is a 'generous and cordial reception of guests,' to offer a 'pleasant environment.' Entertaining, on the other hand, is a 'public performance,' 'something diverting or engaging'. One is me focused, my cooking abilities, my hostessing skills and such, the other is you focused, 'how can I serve you?' 'How can I make your visit in my home the best it can be for you?' I believe the Lord wants us focused on the needs of others. That's hospitality." (p. 14)
Here is one last nugget of wisdom I'd like to share. I've taken this on as a new challenge in our lives. This week I am working on rearranging our weekly routine to refocus our attention on preparing for Sunday. I am excited to make our Sunday meeting time such a prominent and special day in our lives that we cannot help but turn our hearts to it every other day of the week. Mrs. Howland explains this idea with a great visual description.
"There is a book called Making Sunday Special by Karen Mains. The basic concept of this book is to look at your week as sort of a wave, with the high part of the wave being Sunday when your church body gathers. That is the highlight of your week. From Sunday to Wednesday you refelct on Sunday. From Wednesday to Sunday you prepare for Sunday. How often are we rushing around on Sunday doing things that could have been done Thursday, Friday or Saturday? Write down those things that need to be done and space them out from Wednesday to Sunday. I believe we need to practice 'making Sunday special'..." (p.16)
I am grateful to have this little gem in my hands now. Along with giving me useful advice regarding the how-to's of hosting a larger group in our home, I am challenged to consider my heart and motivation in these preparations. It is truly a gift to understand that all we set our hands to accomplish should and can give glory to the Lord. Our Sunday preparations are a new tool the Lord has given us to grow me in this area. An added benefit is seeing our children join in the preparations and begin to understand that our Sunday morning experience effects every other day and moment of our lives. That is an invaluable truth that I pray they cling to for their whole life.
UPDATE: I received a lovely email from the author. She's given her link to purchase this book: You'll find the book listed under "House Church" but do plan to spend some time there looking through her other items for sale. Thank you, Shelley!!
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