1 Thessalonians 5
Paul: Our Parental Example
1-3 Paul is affirming what he has already taught the believers
4-10 Paul is affirming their position in Christ and duty as believers
In these verses, Paul is reminding the church of the eternal perspective he has already begun to teach to them. He is giving them a worldview that puts their current lives into a larger picture of the Lord at work. He is setting before them the ability to focus on the Lord’s work on their behalf both now and for the future. He is giving them the gift of hope and purpose to their momentary struggles and the promise that they will be carried through.
Reflect/Discuss: Do I see my life from this eternal perspective? Am I looking forward and upward for the purposes behind my daily tasks, challenges and joys? Am I establishing this worldview into my children? Do I cause them to understand that every detail of their lives is connected to the Lord’s plan for their own present and future lives, as well as the future of the world we live in?
V. 11 Key verse! A summary of our role as members of the body of Christ
Paul’s List for Discipleship: What should we teach?
12-13 – Respect, appreciation and love for elders and those in authority
13 – Live in Peace
14 – Admonish the Unruly
Admonish: remind, warn, to warn of a fault, to reprove gently or kindly, but seriously; to exhort; to put one in mind of something forgotten, by way of warning or exhortation.
Exhort: to incite, encourage; to incite by words or advice; to advise or warn earnestly.
Incite: to arouse to action; spur on, urge on, stir up, excite to action, prompt.
Unruly: not submissive to rule or restraint; turbulent, ungovernable, refractory.
Refractory: obstinate; unmanageable, resisting ordinary treatment.
14 – Encourage the fainthearted
Encourage: i.e. Comfort; to speak to, address one, whether by way of admonition and incentive, or to calm and console
Fainthearted: i.e. feebleminded (KJV); lacking courage; cowardly; timorous; lacking conviction or boldness or courage;
14 – Help the Weak
Help: i.e. Support (KJV;) to hold before or against, hold back, withstand, endure; to keep one's self directly opposite to any one, hold to him firmly, cleave to, paying heed to him. (See Mt. 6:24; Titus 1:9 – “hold, hold fast”)
Weak: weak, infirm, feeble; without strength
14- Be patient with everyone
Patient: to be of a long spirit, not to lose heart; to persevere patiently and bravely in enduring misfortunes and troubles, to be patient in bearing the offenses and injuries of others; to be mild and slow in avenging; to be longsuffering, slow to anger, slow to punish
Reflect/Discuss: Do I see the individual personalities and needs of each of my children? Do I see how they need me to come alongside of them in varying ways to guide them further in their walk with the Lord? Do I take the time to understand the unique design the Lord has created in them both in strength and weakness?
15 – Do not repay evil with evil – Romans 12:17; Seek after that which good for others
16- Rejoice always
Rejoice: to rejoice, be glad; to rejoice exceedingly; to be well, thrive
17 – Pray without ceasing
18 – Give thanks in everything; THIS is the will of God
"The way to rejoice evermore is to pray without ceasing. We should rejoice more if we prayed more. We should keep up stated times for prayer, and continue instant in prayer. We should pray always, and not faint: pray without weariness, and continue in prayer, till we come to that world where prayer shall be swallowed up in praise. The meaning is not that men should do nothing but pray, but that nothing else we do should hinder prayer in its proper season. Prayer will help forward and not hinder all other lawful business, and every good work. If we pray without ceasing, we shall not want matter for thanksgiving in every thing. We should be thankful in every condition, even in adversity as well as prosperity. It is never so bad with us but it might be worse. This is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us, that we give thanks, seeing God is reconciled to us in Christ Jesus; in him, through him, and for his sake, he allows us to rejoice evermore, and appoints us in every thing to give thanks." Matthew Henry
19 – Do not quench the Spirit
Quench: to decrease; to extinguish; to make an end of; as to quench a fire; of emotions: to suppress or subdue; to extinguish by satisfying (thirst); to cool suddenly; to subside; to become calm or cool.
Concordance: Mt. 12:20; Mark 9:44, 46, 48; Eph. 6:16; 1 Thes. 5:19; Heb. 11:34
A Journal Entry: There is this constant reference to fire. This idea of a burning that is extinguished. The Holy Spirit – as he has come to us- is revealed as a flame or fire. A burning - a passion - something that consumes – fire. It also grows – becomes hotter- affects others. It can be extinguished, though. Quenched. Smoldered. Put out. What is in my life that would or is doing that? I am to “fan the flame.” Am I? I know my time in your word certainly does that. I know more time in prayer would also do that. What is keeping me from those things? Make a list.
20- Do not despise prophetic utterances
Prophetic utterances: i.e. phrophesyings (KJV) a discourse emanating from divine inspiration and declaring the purposes of God, whether by reproving and admonishing the wicked, or comforting the afflicted, or revealing things hidden; esp. by foretelling future events
Despise: to make of no account; To regard as unworthy of one's interest or concern
21 – Examine everything carefully; hold fast to the good
22 – Abstain from every form of evil
Verses 23-24: A prayer focusing on the Lord’s role in accomplishing these things in their lives. The above lists aspects of sanctification, therefore His work in our lives. We cannot manifest these things in our own hearts or our children’s hearts. The Lord has to do this work, even as we obey Him in directing one another to these ends. It is always for His glory and His purposes.
Discuss/Reflect: As I work to train our children, do I see the Lord at work? Do I understand that I am one of his tools to accomplish His work of sanctification in their lives? Do I remember that if they reject these instructions, they are rejecting the Lord and not me? (see 1 Thes. 4) Have I removed my own desires and goals so that I am not standing in the way of the Lord’s work in my life or my children’s lives?
25 – acknowledge and teach the need to pray for parents; our children are a great gift that the Lord has given to lead us closer to Him. Their prayers are powerful tools to accomplish this work.
26 – relationships with other believers
27 – study and share the scriptures
28 – closing prayer
May the Lord give us continued direction as we work to lead our children in their knowledge and love of the Lord. May He grant us wisdom and understanding as we join Him in His work of sanctification both in our own lives and in the lives of our family. May we joyfully receive all of His works designed to make us holy as we are drawn closer to Him through our role as parents. Praise Him for the unique gift of discipling our own young believers, that we may better understand His work in discipling our own hearts. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us. Amen.
Assignment: Pray 1 Thes. 5:23-24 over your children and yourself. Read through the book of 1 Thessalonians again, with a new focus on the lives of the church members. What were their lives like? How were they known? What work was the Lord doing in and through them? How can you apply this to your life and those you are leading?
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