Why did God make you and all things?

Welcome to my journey of walking with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has chosen a path for me filled with blessings, challenges and opportunities to trust Him above and beyond my imaginings. Here I hope to share much of what the Lord is teaching me as He works to refine me for His own Glory.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Looking Back...Looking Ahead

In the year 2010...

I Rejoiced…
>when our baby girl, Honoree’ Faith, burst into our lives
>when the Lord used His people to help meet our monetary needs during several months without work
>at the start of a home church meeting in our house
>in the gift of beginning a new friendship
>in teaching another child to read
>watching my husband and oldest daughter commit to purity in her life
>over baby kittens!
>when I found I was down 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight a week after giving birth
>when a dear friend and her family returned from the mission field and later welcomed a new baby to their family!

I Grieved…
>during the hurt and struggle my husband faced while searching for work in the winter months
>the diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes in the last weeks of my pregnancy
>the loss of my planned home and water birth when pressed to deliver at a local hospital due to “policies”.
>when my 4 year old daughter broke her arm
>the ending of our home church
>the ending of a dear family friendship
>gaining 20lbs 6 months during my post partum season
>fighting the baby blues
>the poor state of our garden

I Learned…
>Humility brings blessing
>the Lord truly will not rest until He has dealt with a matter
>that Seven isn’t all that I feared
>Seven is still a Number to Be Reckoned With
>my husband has great insight and ability to guide me
>waiting on the Lord is hard and reveals my terrible lack of patience and trust
>I *enjoy* exercise and I *can* lose weight while nursing, even though it requires much diligence
>I like the Wii.

In the year 2011...

I Pray…
>I would grow in my bible reading and prayer life
>I would strengthen heartstrings with my children
>I will learn to love as the Lord teaches, setting aside the worldly mindset of love
>I will make relationships a priority in my life
>I will slow down, de-stress and grow in humility and let go of anger
>I will stay faithful to my health and fitness goals, resulting in a stronger and healthier lifestyle for our whole family
>our family will find a home church and ministry in which to serve

I Resolve…
>to walk 100 miles by March
>to increase my physical activity daily
>to learn how to make and use sourdough
>to increase raw food in our diet
>to find a new physical activity I’ve never tried but will enjoy regularly
>to send personal notes weekly
>to leave a comment each time I visit a blog or receive an email
>to establish a weekly “date” with my children
>to tend the gardens and yard better this year
>to pray for and reach out to our neighbors weekly

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