"God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;" Hebrews 1:1-2
In our study time during Sunday worship this week we began to look at the book of Hebrews. I've been reflecting on this teaching, particularly the phrase, "at sundry times". It's not a phrase I was familiar with and as our discussion unfolded and my meditation has increased, I am struck by its signficance.
First, as it relates to the context, I see how the Lord revealed His plan and purposes of our salvation through Christ in portions or "separate parts" as Matthew Henry describes it. We have the advantage of looking at the Old Testament revelations through the lens of the New Testament fulfillment, so it is difficult for us to comprehend the importance of this small phrase and method the Lord used. To reveal His complete plan for our redemption in one sitting, well, how could our feeble minds comprehend it? How would we respond? Would we even accept it? Would we have even had the sense to see our desparate need for such a plan of salvation through Christ and the completeness that lies therein? Instead, he spoke and revealed His actions and future plans in portions appropriate to our understanding, needs and ability to respond. Please forgive me if this makes light of His awesome and eternal wisdom, but it seems he chose to leave us clues to piece together, wrestling with them one generation at a time, for the whole picture at once would have left us with a burden we could not fully grasp.
Matthew Henry's Commentary:
"The order in which God spoke to men in those times that went before the gospel, those past times: he spoke to his ancient people at sundry times and in divers manners. At sundry times, or by several parts, as the word signifies, which may refer either to the several ages of the Old-Testament dispensation—the patriarchal, the Mosaic, and the prophetic; or to the several gradual openings of his mind concerning the Redeemer: to Adam, that the Messiah should come of the seed of the woman,—to Abraham, that he should spring from his loins,—to Jacob, that he should be of the tribe of Judah,—to David, that he should be of his house,—to Micah, that he should be born at Bethlehem,—to Isaiah, that he should be born of a virgin."
John Wesley's Explanatory Notes:
"God, who at sundry times - The creation was revealed in the time of Adam; the last judgment, in the time of Enoch: and so at various times, and in various degrees, more explicit knowledge was given."
Another crucial aspect of the Lord's method of revelation is that each of these portions would create unity in His plan. Each time a new piece of revaltion is given, or clue is revealed, it supports, enhances and strengthens the prior truth. We are given an important measuring tool in understanding how these prophecies and truths are bound together to reveal a thorough and unified plan. Even in messages that appear to differ, God's spirit reveals the minute details that actually bind them together.
John Gill's Exposition of the Bible:
"God, who at sundry times and in divers manners
The apostle begins the epistle with an account of the revelation God has made of his mind and will in former times: the author of this revelation is God, not essentially, but personally considered, even God the Father, as distinguished from his Son in the next verse; for the revelation under the Old Testament is divine, as well as that under the New; in this they both agree, in whatsoever else they differ: and this revelation was made at several times, at different seasons, and to different persons; and consisted of a variety of things relating to doctrine and worship, and concerning the Messiah, his person and office; of whom, at different times, there were gradual discoveries made, both before and after the giving of the law, from the beginning of the world, or the giving forth of the first promise, and in the times of the patriarchs, of: Moses, David, Isaiah, and other prophets: and this was delivered in various manners; sometimes by angels; sometimes in a dream; at other times by a vision; and sometimes by Urim and Thummim:"
My heart rejoices in seeing the Lord's mercy and favor in his dealings with men throughout history. He loves us so much that He chooses to share His ways and thoughts with us, yet in such a way that we will have time to grasp it's truth...at least in part. He is patient and longsuffering as we wrestle with understanding the mind of the Lord. What a dear Father we have, who would not only make a way for us to be forgiven and accepted into His perfect presence, but also take the time to walk us through that process.
I began to consider how this relates to His work in our lives today. Our family is standing at a crossroads of sorts, begging the Lord to reveal His will and direction for our family. We feel confused and unsure of what this season of "drought" could mean. Do we continue to trust through the "famine" and stay where the Lord has placed us, developing the endurance He desires? Are these "closed doors" the Lord's way of telling us that a change is in order and we need to prepare and pursue new horizons?
In light of Hebrews, it appears that the Lord has been giving us these answers over the years. He chooses to reveal His plans at sundry times in diverse manners. We are challenged to reflect back on previous times we have seen the Lord speak and direct us and then pray to understand how these are all connected as pieces of a larger picture. Rather than asking the Lord to reveal His plan for this particular season, we would be wise to ask how the portions He has already given us will lead us to further understand His complete purposes for our lives. As we do this, we can measure our thoughts and ideas against what we already know of His truths. The past will agree with the present and bring unity for our future. If they do not, we can know we are on the wrong path.
I also understand that His ways are not my ways, yet they should be. I should work to adopt my Lord's methods as I communicate with others, particularly my family. I need to see each of my children as unique in their ability to understand and comprehend the information given to them. I need that patient, longsuffering endurance and wisdom that will help me to reveal just the portions they are able to grasp...at sundry times in diverse manners.
Finally, I cannot help but see how this relates to news I learned just yesterday regarding a dear friend. Last week, their family was anticipating an ultrasound that would give them a peek at their newly developing baby. They rejoiced to see that little person wiggling about and to learn that their long-awaited wish for another daughter had been granted. Oh, what rejoicing came from that portion of knowledge the Lord had given!
This week they received more revelation concerning their precious daughter. That same ultrasound revealed that this precious child has Down's Syndrome, club feet and some heart disorders. This portion of revelation is still received with gratitude, yet mixed with fear and grief.
As I pray for my friend and her family, I cannot help but think of the Lord's mercy in revealing His plans for us at sundry times. If the whole picture were revealed at once, just how would we be able to stand? In the smallest portions He gives us the truths we need as we are able to grasp them. Each part of His plan is connected to a previous part. Each portion is leading us to another and they will all bring unity. We can rest in the moment, knowing that He has given us enough of Himself and His ways. We can rest because we know that He will reveal the next portion in His providence, keeping His love for us always in mind.
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