Why did God make you and all things?

Welcome to my journey of walking with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has chosen a path for me filled with blessings, challenges and opportunities to trust Him above and beyond my imaginings. Here I hope to share much of what the Lord is teaching me as He works to refine me for His own Glory.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Looking Back, Looking Ahead...2012

I took some time tonight to look over my New Year's Day post from 2011.  I loved reading my varying thoughts from the previous year. I also cringed a bit to see most of those resolutions left undone.

I'd like to go with the same format for the year 2012. Most of those resolutions will have to stay on the list. *sigh*

In the Year 2011...

I Rejoiced...
> when my husband was able to find work as a part time staff accountant during the tax season and into the rest of the year.
> when my husband passed the first part of the CPA exam on the first try...and the second part...and the third part!!! 
> when my children scored at average and above average on their standardized tests
> when I saw those two precious pink lines in September
> when the Lord provided the funds to carry us through yet another season of no work or paychecks for several months
> the unexpected financial gift allowing us to purchase a new washer and dryer
> when my daughter began a new friendship
> when my boys began new friendships
> when I watched my children delight in making and giving gifts for their siblings
> a road trip to see family after 6 years being away
> when my sweet Susannah learned to write her own name
> when my mom came for a week long visit, we had such a wonderful time!
> in finding a new home church family, including new friends
> when my husband was offered a new full-time position as staff accountant with a reputable CPA firm

I Grieved...
> the death of my Great-Granda Dolly
> the death of my young cousin, Lucas
> the pain and agony in my dear Aunt Tina's life as she said good-bye to her son
> the too short time I had to spend with our family as we rushed through our trip
> watching my weight go back up to what it was after all of my hard work last year
> saying good-bye to my homebirth midwives to plan for a hospital birth for this new little one
> when our dear friends received a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes for their son
> when my good friend said good-bye to her unborn baby

I Learned...
> trusting the Lord in ALL things isn't always as scary as I thought
> using the scriptures is always the best tool for training and mending hearts
> textbooks aren't evil and can be a tremendous blessing
> it's way too easy to get lazy and stay lazy
> that the Lord had a much different plan for us than I expected
> that my family can take pretty good care of me when I need it most
> morning sickness is always rough, but doesn't always mean that life has to stand still

I Pray...
> that I would grow in my prayer life
> that I would grow closer to my children, especially my oldest 3
> that I would be strong and full of joy in the coming challenges surrounding David's new employment
> that I would faithfully serve in the ministry positions I am committed to (Hearts for Home and CheNH convention committee)
> that I would continue to work hard to keep myself and baby safe in this pregnancy
> that the Lord would encourage and equip me for a safe and joyful labor and birth
> that my prenatal care would be a blessing to all involved
> that we would see God move mightily in our finances and our hearts, particularily in regards to the sale or payoff of our house
> that our children would develop a love and devotion to the Word of God
> that I would be wise and cautious with our finances in the coming year
> that David will pass the final part of the CPA exam in February, complete the needed hours and recieve his CPA this year!

I Resolve...
> to complete my 100 miles by February and another 100 by Baby's Birthday
> to increase my physical activity daily using pilates, ttap, or squats in preparation for a strong and healthy labor
> to send personal notes weekly
> to establish a weekly “date” with my children
> complete a Major House Purge before the end of May
> to pray for and reach out to the ladies in our homeschool group weekly
> to be more involved and diligent in my kitchen duties
> to be cheerful and encouraging during our first *real* tax season in 11 years
> to pray with my littles each morning and evening
> to spend time with my children in God's word daily (breakfast and lunch)

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